How can I make an appointment?

Please call, email or text our office to make an appointment and experience the difference New York Smile Group can have on your smile. You can also request an appointment directly on our website by clicking the button below.

Schedule Appointment

718.769.6700 | 707.408.3384


How much does a consultation cost?

We will credit the consultation fee towards the cost of treatment. Fees will vary from $100-350  and all treatment options will be explained.

Do you offer Insurance?

As we are always looking out for your dental health, we don't want insurance companies dictating treatment. However, we will fill out all forms and provide all necessary information to your insurance company to maximize your benefits and get you as much as your plan allows.

Where is the clinic located?

In the Heart of brooklyn at 309 Avenue U. Easily accessible by train, bus and car.

Will teeth whitening make my teeth sensitive?

We offer several ways to get your teeth whiter and brighter. We have different methods to reduce sensitivity and get you the white smile you always wanted. 

What payment options do you offer?

We will review several options at your initial visit. We also offer third party financing which if qualified will be interest free.

Dr. Saadia FAQs

Ask us a Question

We are happy to answer any oral health related questions.

Schedule an appointment for a complementary consultation.